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AT&T's Robust Q2 Performance Surpasses Estimates

Published by MEXEM Technical Analysis

July 25, 2024 2:51 PM

Published - July 26th, 2023 @ 4:00 PM (GMT+2)


Impressive Q2 Earnings


AT&T (NYSE:T) demonstrated a robust performance in Q2, exceeding estimates for free cash flow. The telecommunications giant generated $4.2 billion in free cash flow, surpassing analyst estimates of $3.60 billion. This accomplishment reflects AT&T's cost-reduction efforts and successful drive to draw in wireless subscribers with budget-friendly plans. 


Cost-Cutting Measures Pay Off

A significant part of this financial win can be attributed to the company's aggressive cost-cutting strategy. Through various measures, including a decrease in office locations, AT&T successfully shaved off over $1 billion in operating expenses during Q2. The firm reached its $6 billion cost-cutting target ahead of schedule and has set its sights on another $2 billion-plus cut over the next three years. 


Steady Revenue Amid Competitive Market

Even amidst the intense competition in the U.S. telecom market, AT&T's revenue rose by 0.9% to $29.9 billion, aligning with estimates of $29.94 billion. The firm managed to add 326,000 postpaid phone subscribers in Q2, a figure that, while nearly 60% lower than the previous year, matches the low 300,000s prediction by AT&T's finance chief.

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Concerns over Lead-Clad Cables

AT&T has yet to comment on its involvement with lead-clad cables, an issue that recently came to light after a Wall Street Journal report. The company's shares faced pressure following the news that AT&T, among other operators, may have contributed to water and soil contamination due to the abandonment of a vast network of these cables.



"AT&T's Q2 earnings highlight its effective cost-cutting strategies and continued subscriber growth, despite a highly competitive market. However, environmental concerns over lead-clad cables warrant attention."


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