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Shell's Q3 Profits & Shareholder Rewards Insight

Published by MEXEM EUROPE

July 25, 2024 2:51 PM

Oil and gas titan Shell {{ m-tag option="price" ticker="SHEL" currency="USD" }} has reported a third-quarter profit of $6.2 billion, aligning with market expectations but revealing a significant drop of 34% compared to the previous year. This performance contrasts with the $9.45 billion profit in the same quarter last year, a period heightened by the Russia-Ukraine conflict's impact on oil and gas prices.


Profit Analysis & Market Factors:

Despite the year-on-year decline, Shell's profit increased from the $5.1 billion recorded in the second quarter of 2023. The company attributed this improvement to higher oil prices, enhanced refining margins, and increased production in its upstream unit. Notably, oil prices surged from around $73 to $90 per barrel during the quarter.


Share Buyback Announcement:

Shell's CEO, Wael Sawan, announced a substantial $3.5 billion share buyback program, part of a broader plan to return $23 billion to shareholders. This buyback exceeds the $5 billion initially projected on the capital markets day in June, reflecting the company's robust financial health and commitment to rewarding investors.


Cash Flow & Expenditure Insights:

However, Shell's financials also showed a decrease in free cash flow, from $12.1 billion in the second quarter to $7.5 billion, and a rise in cash capital expenditure from $5.1 billion to $5.6 billion. These figures indicate a strategic shift in spending, possibly aligning with the company's long-term objectives.


Critics, including some shareholders, have voiced concerns over Shell's pace in its transition to a zero-carbon future. The company's focus on oil and gas production, following the abandonment of its target to reduce oil production by 1-2% annually until 2030, has sparked debate over its environmental commitments.


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